Coming to DumaOS 3.0: Geo-Fencing

 3rd Apr, 2020
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When we launched the Geo-Filter back in 2014, it changed the way gamers experienced matchmaking. By giving you control over the servers you play on, you were able to eliminate the biggest cause of lag in gaming; distance.

However, it’s not always just a simple case of playing on the servers closest to your home – not all servers are made equal, and some can be lower quality despite being closer to you. We made Geo-Fencing to give you total control and solve this problem once and for all.

With Geo-Fencing you can draw multiple Geo-Filters around the servers you like and block the servers you don’t, giving you unprecedented control over the matchmaking process. Draw filters around your region or country, or only draw around the best servers in the world – online matchmaking is now in your hands.

DumaOS 3.0 is the biggest update we have ever built, effectively doubling the feature set. Geo-Fencing is just one of many features coming to your router with DumaOS v3.0, so stay tuned for our next feature announcement.

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